Wednesday, April 1, 2009

walmart couponing

Here is what I got today came to $33.41 b 4 coupons the total after coupons was $14.60

5 Pace Picante Salsa $2.18= $10.90
applied 5/$4.00 off Coupons to each=$20.00
Bringing total for salsa to $-9.10

So I made $9.10 from that transaction

Here are the other things that I got:
A Tinkerbell Easter basket for my Daughter $14.96
Spaghettie noodles $.92
Pain Reliever $1.96
some trash bags $2.97
grandma cookies for the way home $.50

Next time that I have great coupons like the Pace I will post but the offer was not available when I started this blog